Homebuyers Class

The class is designed to help potential homebuyers learn about the mortgage loan process, terminology, finding the right house, budget and credit, loan closing, foreclosure prevention, basic home maintenance, and avoiding predatory lending.

So how does it work?
Certified instructors will educate you about the homeownership process from beginning to end. We will also have an open discussion and address any questions or reservations that a potential homebuyer may have.

The classes are usually held every quarter. A schedule will be posted with time, date and place.

After the class…
After completing the class it is time to begin one on one counseling sessions if desired. The following topics and questions will be addressed: 

  • Credit Report - How do I read it?

  • Budgeting - Let's create a budget!

  • Goal Setting - Where do I want to be?

  • Computer Classes - Exploring the internet!

  • Financial Literacy-Questions I have?

  • Am I eligible for down payment assistance?

Homes For Sale

None at this time
(see pictures below of our renovations)

Recent home sales & renovation pictures

Success Stories

Meet a couple of our first time homebuyers

Alberta Jones
Joan Smiley